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CCTV54 / Citizens' Community Television





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  • About Us

  • Blues Benefit
    Photos 2010

  • Programming
    Apr 18 - 24, 2010
  • DVD music

Join in the community spirit, support local media. Become a station member, program underwriter and help make your voice heard. CCTV54 Board

CCTV54 is a Boulder County, Colorado, group of volunteers who produce original, local TV shows. We welcome new members from our viewing community of Louisville, Lafayette, Erie and Superior, Colorado. Our goal is to support independent, commercial-free, citizens TV. We believe free speech for everyone, is the basis for democracy!

Current shows include art, politics, music, culture and community activities  on the local, state, national, global levels.

What is the Community Access Channel? Run by volunteers like you, we're a local community-supported TV studio. Volunteers create and produce programs independent of big media corporations. We facilitate programming ranging from east Boulder County to the globe on news, people, issues, events, groups, music, poetry and the arts. We cablecast programs from independent media sources.

Blues Benefit Photos by Zoe Monroe

Blues Benefit Sound Man with lights

Blues photos Sound folks

Blues Benefit Photos

Blues Photos

Blues Benefit, young girl dancing

1. Indie Video -
Zeitgeist Addendum: As insightful and revolutionary as "Zeitgeist the Movie," but adds an abundance of solutions and hence hope. By Peter Joseph.Today 8 PM; and Friday 8 AM.

2. Common Sense - April Fools Show. Special discussions on Water, Eight Wonders of the Solar System, and Health Care. Latest on the Medical Marijuana Issues. Tune in for hosts Bo Shaffer and The KnitWit. 6 p.m. Today and Friday; 8 a.m. Monday; 7 p.m. Thursday; 4 p.m. Saturday.

3. Indie Video - "Unrepentant: Kevin Annett and Canada's Genocide" is a powerful documentary revealing secrets of the aboriginals' holocaust. Saturday 8 P.M., and Wednesday 3 P.M.

4. Boulder Jam - the show highlights an exciting 5 piece jazz group called Streetsmart. They've got great harmonies, impeccable musicianship and they really know how to entertain - jazz style! Knowledgeable jazz fans have followed them for years and now Boulder can get in on the treat. Today 10AM; Monday Midnight; Tuesday 8PM; Wednesday 11 PM

5. Business In Bloom - An interview-format television show featuring local individuals and businesses, hosted Tara Becker, Founder & Executive Director of Elle Group.Current guests arCurrent guests are: Greg Mooers, Inspirational Speaker on Heart Virtues; and Jade Sund, anInternationally recognized coach, speaker, trainer and author: Monday 8 PM ; Tuesday and Saturday2:30 PM ; Thursday and Friday 1 PM .

Affordable live music demo-tape to DVD--limited time offer!

$150 gets you a professional-quality promotional DVD, great for YouTube, MySpace, press kits or auditions. Videotaped at the CCTV54 studio in Louisville, community producers, directors, graphic editors and sound engineers provide a showcase demo for your group or solo performance. Proceeds help support CCTV54, a local access station serving East Boulder County. For details, send inquiries to:



Have a vehicle you don't need?

Help support CCTV by donating it to Vehicles for Charity and ask that the proceeds benefit CCTV. Call 1-866-628-CARS (2277) or visit for more info.



CCTV Board meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Wed. at
5:00 at the Studio. All are invited to attend and participate.

CCTV54 Board
"Give a person a TV and they watch,
support local media and they participate!"

CCTV supporters,
support the principles of Free Speech and Public Access. They do not necessarily endorse all views expressed. At times viewer discretion is advised.

CCTV54 is now on Facebook


    Yellow car clip art


Excerpts from President Eisenhower's remarkable 1961 Farewell Address on the need for "an alert and knowledgeable citizenry"

Flash Links
CCTV54 Live streaming video!

CCTV54 LIVE! Enjoy Boulder County's own CCTV54, streaming live out of Louisville Colorado, USA. You'll see it all as if you were watching it on cable tv. Live studio events and archives from the years of Public Access Free Speech Television.

Become part of the CCTV team...

Thanks again to our sponsors and the folks who support CCTV54.
Check this site often for program highlights and upcoming events.


This entire web site is designed,
developed and maintained
by Zoe Monroe

  © 2007-2010 CCTV 54      Home   Legal    Membership